Printing Cards & Planting Community


Every so often, we take a break from designing to explore other creative outlets. We’re  always looking for ways to try something new while also connecting with our local community. With an upcoming client appreciation event in the works, we thought a screen printing class would be the perfect opportunity to create custom invitations for the event. 

A few weeks ago, we visited Atlanta Printmaker’s Studio for a screen printing workshop. All newbies to the craft, we took time to learn about how the screens are prepared for printing, as well as the printmaking process.

The process started with a great visual designed by Guy. Once he finalized the design, he prepared the image in Illustrator and sent it over to the instructor. Then the instructor prepared the screens for printing, using a similar technique to developing photographs. A chemical solution is applied to certain areas on the screen, and those areas harden while the areas containing the design stay flexible. Special acrylic inks are mixed to match the original image. The screens are then stretched onto a frame and the workstation is set up. 

The artwork we chose required two separate layers and screens, so we took extra care to make sure each layer would turn out well. We first tested the image on transparent plastic and set up guides for our paper. Then we did a few test prints and finalized the adjustments. To get the design we wanted, we started out with the yellow layer and let those prints dry before prepping and beginning the green plant layer.

Hello, World!

Each YB team member got the chance to print as well as assist other team members with the process. All in all, we really enjoyed spending time outside of the office, testing out a new creative outlet, and prepping to gather with a few of our clients. 

The Plant Party will be a chance to reconnect with clients, old and new, in hopes of finding community again after a long 2 years of separation. We’ll be learning about the basics of plant care and even potting our own plant to take home. With charcuterie and drinks in the mix, this night is sure to be one to remember. 

Stay tuned for more details about our Plant Party, happening this May!



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