Get Back Into Reading With These Beautiful Bookcases


With all of the extra time to read, you’ve probably brought a few new books into your home. If you need inspiration to revamp your current bookshelves, look no further. Here are a few ways to style your own bookcases and make them the focal point of any room.


This floating perimeter shelf is a nice way to display books in a small space, while still utilizing the wall space below for artwork. 


A cozy reading nook is a great way to encourage reading in your household. We love this one because it has a deep bench and plenty of storage for your book collection.


Integrating decor into bookshelves is a great option to make a bookcase stand out. The built-in bookcases above feature lights above to illuminate the decor on the shelves below.

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These floating cubes are another great way to store books and trinkets and can be arranged in multiple ways.

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We love how something as simple as color-coding your books can take a plain bookcase to the next level.

Flipping books on their side and reversing the spines can make a bookshelf more interesting and add space to add in other decor.  


1. Shelf | 2. Nook | 3. Bookcase | 4. Cubes | 5. Color coding | 6. Sideways

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