Our Quarantine Quarters…


Here at Yellow Bungalow, we are officially on day 10 of our working remote adventure as we try to keep the Coronavirus out of our and our clients’ homes. Not too bad for our team as we can pretty much tackle all stages of our business remotely - minus those important site visits, but thank goodness for FaceTime video!

Our trades have been troupers and we are grateful for their efforts in trying to wrap up projects in the best way we can to leave clients with livable spaces, even though temporary at times! 

Empty office without Victoria and Dorian…

The office has been empty without the girls, we have had some fun video conferences with them and their new sidekicks though, check out the fun times!

We very much look forward to having them back in the office, laughing and listening to Guy’s daily playlist - we never know what we are going to get. In the meantime, here is how Dorian + Victoria are doing from their temp office spaces!

Oh, and we’re excited about your (temporary) new work spaces, send us photos we cannot wait to see!

Stay safe and sane out there!


Working from home can be a daunting task.  With the distractions of family and pets, it can be difficult at times to stay focused. I knew that in order to stay creative during such a crazy time, I would have to create my own little corner of calmness. Though it may be small, I’ve tried to make my home workspace as cozy and comfortable as possible. 

Dorian’s work station at home…

When the time came to transition into working from home, I realized that I didn’t need the most luxurious workspace or high end furniture to create a productive home office. I just had to think outside the box a little. 

Dragging my old desk from middle school out of the closet and dusting off the top, I set up shop in a small corner of my bedroom. The east facing window lets in the light of the morning sunrise, and helps motivate me in the morning. I even placed a few sprigs of greenery to add some life and freshness to my new space. 

Although I do miss working with our team at the YB office, I’ve grown to appreciate my newfound work space for the time being and have been learning to enjoy this new way of working. It will be nice to to head back to our office hopefully in the near future, but I have to admit, I don’t mind missing out on that Atlanta rush-hour traffic!

We are still here,



When I found out I would be working from home for a while, I briefly panicked. Even though I've lived in my apartment for nearly two years, I've been indecisive and reluctant to buy furniture. My apartment is small, and I didn't really think I had room for a desk, so I just skipped it. However, I knew my productivity would suffer if I didn't create a space I felt comfortable working in. (Much to my dismay, working on my couch was not going to cut it). I knew I had to find a desk.

The first place that came to mind for readily available furniture was Ikea, so I took a trip to my local store (before social distancing) and found the perfect one. It was small and sleek, affordable, and, most importantly, I was able to put it together in under 15 minutes. Win-win. 

Meet Quincy, the intern.

To spruce up the blank wall above the desk, I found some art I liked on Pinterest and printed the pieces out, taping them to the wall with masking tape. It's a super simple DIY, but I feel like my selections represent my personality and the wall art makes me happy. 

Quincy, my intern (cat), is also a fan of the new workspace!

BrushStroke 2.png


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